Saturday, June 15, 2019

re:MARS conference at Las Vegas- Touch Transmittable Robotic Arms

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When people work together, they turn seemingly impossible into possible. What if I tell you that you can "feel" the touch of your near and dear ones without being present there physically. Yes, we are talking about the digitisation of sensation. Shortly, the sensation can be modularised and transmitted through wire or wirelessly to your brain. Well, enough said, now let me break down the statements I have made. It's quite a while since we have been hearing about robotic and prosthetic arms. But this one is much sophisticated and highly intelligent.
Recently three big tech giants Shadow. Robot, HaptX, and SynTouch worked together and came up with a  touch-transmitting telerobotic hand. The technology has two parts: a pair of robotic gloves and a pair of robotic arms.

Robotic Hands
Source: This is for illustration purposes only.
The operator puts on the robotic gloves, and when its fingers or the hands are moved, the remotely situated robotic arms also move in synchronisation. The robotic hands and the gloves are so connected through sensors that the movements are way too accurate.
 The most exciting part of these robotic hands is not the synchronisation but the transmission of the ‘feeling’. You heard it right. The remotely situated robotic arms can digitise the touch sensation of the objects it is holding and transmit it to the operator through the sensor.
With more advancements, this technology can handle fragile materials in the industry or in medical science to perform complicated surgery.
The super showcase has to be demonstrated at Amazon’s re:MARS conference, held in Las Vegas. MARS is a yearly event conducted by Amazon Founder and CEO Jeff Bezos. It brings together the best innovative minds worldwide who are rapidly advancing in different tech areas, mainly Machine learning, Automation, Robotics, and Space. Research scholars worldwide, Fortune 100 companies, tech inventors come together and share their ideas, learning and imagine creating a better world with these four great technologies.

CEO of Amazon Jeff Bezos can be seen wearing the Robotic Gloves at the Conference.

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