Friday, July 12, 2019

Shoelace: Google is Now Planning to Launch its Own 'Facebook' | 2021

After the failure of Google+, Area 120, Google’s in-house incubator, has developed another social networking app named ‘Shoelace.’

This app aims to connect people in the real world with similar interests through local events and activities. To use it, you have to list your interests in the app. It will then recommend to you some hand-picked activities called ‘Loops’ around you to choose from. You can also create your own events and invite others to join them.

Shoelace interface

Currently, the app is available only in New York City and is operating on an invite-only basis. You need an active google account to sign in to the app. Shoelace currently supports Android devices (v8.0 or newer) and iOS (v11.0) or newer.

Shoelace sample photo 2

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