Sunday, December 6, 2020

How to take screenshots on windows 10

How to take screenshots on windows 10

Want to take a screenshot of your PC or laptop? You have come to the right place. In this article, we will show you how to take screenshots on windows 10, Windows 7 or Windows 8.

If you are at school or going to college, you might have to take a few screenshots to finish up your school or college project. Not only that, if you are going to post an article to your tutorial blog post or running a YouTube Channel, you may need few screenshots to present your content in a better way.

Without beating much about the bush, let us come to the main discussion here. We will see the possible ways to get the screenshots of your PC or laptop so easily.

When we work with our computer or laptop there are some time when we need to capture the screen, or in simple terms, we need to take a screenshot of the PC screen.

Let us discuss how to take screenshots on windows 10

Here we will show very shortly how to capture a screenshot on Windows PC. If you face any issues to understand these below procedures, please read the full article till the end to know about more settings and options to capture the screenshots on windows PC.

PrtSc and Windows Button Position

1.       Find the PrtSc Key on your physical or onscreen keyboard. This PrtSc or sometimes marked as PrtScn Key's location on the PC might defer depending on the brand of PC you are using. Click PrtSc >> Open Paint App >> Press Ctrl + V >> Save/Save As

2.       If option 1 does not work, then Press Windows Button (W) + PrtSc together then follow same instructions as described in option 1

3.       Search Snipping Tool >> Open Snipping Tool >> Click on ‘New’ (Top Left of Snipping Tool) >> Select Screen to capture screenshot>> Save As (File option) or Copy (Edit Option)


Method 1: Windows Button (W) + PrtSc

PrtSc is the inbuilt key on most of the keyboards nowadays. This key resides on the keypad either as an individual key or as coupled with other keys in the first line (or near the Number keys). Wherever it be, we can use this key to take a screenshot of our PC. Now, it is to be noted that, though all these below methods are correct, some of them might be OS-specific only. So, if one of the methods does not work for your PC, try the other methods.

1.       Hold Windows Button (W) + PrtSc together. If this does nothing, then Press only PrtSc button.

2.  The screen will be dimmed and the screenshots will be saved in “C:\Users\...\Pictures\Screenshots” folder. Or else a few options will be popped up on the top of the screen of the PC.

Popped up options

3.       Using those options, you can take the screenshot in rectangular format or in the freeform clip as you want or the full-screen screenshot of your PC.

4.       Select any option and drag over your PC screenshot (the part you want to take a screenshot of), and the screenshot will be automatically saved in “C:\Users\...\Pictures\Screenshots” folder.

Screenshots Folder location

5.       Now you can go to that Screenshots folder and edit the screenshot according to your need


 Method 2: PrtSc + MsPaint

This procedure involves two different inbuilt applications, i.e., PrtSc and MSPaint. The former one will capture the screenshot, and the latter one will help you edit and/or save the screenshots in any location on your PC with ‘Save’ or ‘Save As’ option.

1.       Press the PrtSc button on the Keyboard. This will copy the screenshot in the clipboard.

2.       Open MS Paint (or shortly Paint).

3.       And then press Ctrl+V to paste the screenshot in the MsPaint App.

4.       In MsPaint you can edit the Screenshot as required and then go to File >> ‘Save’ or ‘Save As’ option to save the screenshot in any folder in any format you want to.

Paint Save As  Option

Method 3: Snipping Tool

If nothing works; this will surely be working to any version of the OS available in your PC.

1.       Go to start or press Windows Button (W) and search for Snipping Tool. Once the result is seen in the search results, click on the Application.

Snippet Tool Search Result

2.      The application will be opened as below photo. This software comes with few options on the top bar. To take Screenshot we do not have to worry about all the options but the first one.

3.       Click on the first option ‘New (Scissors Symbol)’ and your screen will be dimmed. You can drag your mouse over your desktop screen to select the area you want to take the screenshot for.

Snipping Tool Menu

4.       Once the area is selected Snipping Tool will give few options. Out of that Click on File >> Save As (or Press Ctrl+S) to save the file in your preferred location with preferred Format.

Snipping Tool Save As Option

5.       Before saving the photo from Snipping Tool the screenshot can be edited too if needed.

6.       The screenshot can be copied from the ‘Edit’ option of Snipping tool to paste it in some other Tools or software like MS Office Word or Paint to further use.

Setting related issues to take screenshots on windows 10:

Generally, PrtSc key is by default enabled in each PC to take the screenshots of the PC. But unfortunately, If PrtSc or (W + PrtSc) does not work on your PC, you might want to take a look in your PC settings.

1.       Click Windows Button (W) or go to search (near Windows Symbol W) and directly type ‘Ease of Access keyboard Settings’.

Ease of Access search result

2.       Select the Option in the search Result ‘Ease of Access keyboard Settings’.

3.       Look for the option ‘Print Screen shortcut’ and toggle the Option if it is not done already.

Screenshot settings enable

Last Line

Taking a screenshot in Windows PC is really an easy-peasy job, but it is not known to everyone. So, after reading this article, you can now easily take screenshots, edit, and use them for your project or blog post, or tutorial.

If you face any difficulty capturing the screenshot in your Windows machine, please comment or reach out to us. We will be pleased to help you out.

Hope this article about taking a screenshot on Windows PC or Laptop is helpful to you. Have any computer or internet-related doubts or queries in mind? Want to read more about computer-related tips and tricks? Please do visit our blog regularly. We write quality content in detail with Screenshots to help them in a better way.

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