Saturday, June 22, 2019

Run Command Prompt in Administrator Mode in All Windows OS | 2021

Command Prompt or cmd in short, is a command-line interpreter application (located as cmd.exe in c:/windows/system32 directory) available in most Windows operating systems. It is used to execute entered commands. Most of those commands automate tasks via Powershell scripts and/or batch script programming, perform advanced administrative functions, and troubleshoot or solve certain kinds of Windows issues.

Command Prompt is sometimes referred to as Windows Command Processor. Though simple functionalities can be done in cmd without having administrator privilege. While running scripts or troubleshooting, it is compulsory to run the command prompt in administrator mode. Here will discuss how to open and run the command prompt in administrator mode in 5 different easy ways in your windows.

Method 1: Run from the Search box

1.   Hit ‘windows key’ W and type in 'cmd'.
2. Under Best match, right-click on 'Command Prompt' and select 'Run as administrator.' (If you are not log in with an administrator account, you will be prompted to enter the administrator password. Proceed with that if necessary. )
Command Prompt Search

3. You may get the hint on the User Account Control asking, "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your PC?". Nothing to worry about itClick on Yes, the Command Prompt will be opened with Admin privileged. 

  • Identify command prompt with or without Admin privilege. 
Opened CMD

Method 2: Run from Start Menu

1. Click on Windows 10 Start icon, or press "Windows" key on the keyboard.
2. Select Command Prompt and right-click on it, and then select "Run as administrator".

Run as Administrator

Method 3: Use "W + X" key

1. Right-click on the Windows Start button or press the "W + X" key on the keyboard.
2. Select "Command Prompt (Admin)" to run.

Windows + X

(On Windows 10 Update, the Command Prompt may not be there in the Start Menu bar, so get the other methods to open it.)

Method 4: Open from Task Manager

1. Open Task Manager. (Search "task manager" on the search box and click on Task Manager to open it.)
2. If you are the first time to open Task Manage on this system, it will be shown on the Fewer details mode. Click on More details to expand it.
3. Click on File, hold on the "Ctrl" key and click on "Run new Task", then the Command Prompt will be opened as administrator.

Task Manager

Method 5: Open from File Explorer

1. Press "Windows + R" or type in "run" on the search box to open Run.
2. Type in: %windir%\System32\, and press Enter to open the System32 folder.

Windows + R

3. Find the file name: cmd.exe, right-click on it and select "Run as administrator".

System32 Folder

Now you can use any methods to run the Admin command prompt and use it whenever required. 

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