Saturday, June 22, 2019

Which USB File System to Select: NTFS, FAT, FAT32 and exFAT | 2021

This Article Contains: 
  • Different File Types of external storage: NTFS, FAT, FAT32, and exFAT.
  • Their properties and Maximum file size they can support.
  • How to Change File Type using Laptop/PC.
  • Fix to Transfer 4GB or more file Size in Pen/Thumb drive 
  • Fix to 'File is too large for the destination file system'
  • This procedure is applicable for all kinds of OS(Windows/MAC/Linux(Ubuntu))
With the advent of USBs transfer of files has become a lot easier and faster. Just stick the USB in the slot and copy the files. Voila! However, sometimes you must have faced an issue with an error: 'file is too large for the destination file system' while copying files of large size or transferring files from Windows to Linux or vice versa. Today we will discuss the reason and solution of these issues.

File Too Large

We must have seen the above image many times while transferring files. Even though the pen-drive capacity is higher than the file size, the file cannot be copied to the USB disk, and the above window appears. To solve the above problem, let us understand the different types of file systems.

There are four types of file systems: NTFS, FAT, FAT32, and exFAT.

Most USBs come in a FAT32 formatted file system. This file system is compatible with all types of operating systems i.e. windows, Linux and Mac. Hence, files can be copied from one type of OS to another. Now the limitation of the FAT32 system is that it can handle individual file size of only up to 4GB, i.e., if the size of one file is greater than 4 GB, you will not be able to copy it in the USB disk, and a window similar to the above will appear. Here’s where NTFS comes to our rescue.

NTFS supports individual file transfers of size higher than 4GB. Hence whenever you face a problem with copying files of larger size, just format the USB drive using the NTFS file system. This option is available while formatting the disk. Formatting the drive will delete all the data in it. Just select the NTFS option in the encircled drop-down menu in the image below:

Now we can transfer file sizes of greater than 4GB. So far, so good. But this file system is recognized only by windows. You cannot transfer files cross-platform, unlike FAT32. What if we want to transfer a file larger than 4 GB in size from windows to mac? That’s where exFAT comes in. This file system is recognized by all platforms and can transfer file size greater than 4GB. In other words, it combines the advantages of FAT32 and the NTFS system.

Again there’s one problem. Windows has not provided any option to format the drive using the exFAT file system. Fortunately, this can be done by using the command prompt. Just open the command prompt in admin mode, i.e. ‘Run as administrator.
Type the following command:
format X: /FS:exFAT
where X is the name of your USB drive.
Now you will see this in the Command prompt:

Insert new disk for Drive X:
and press ENTER when ready....’ 

Check if disk/Pen Drive/Thumb Drive(the one you want to change the file type) is properly inserted and listed under 'Devices and drivers'. Now hit ENTER. That’s it. You will get to see the progress in percentage. Sit back and relax.

As it is changing the storage type, it might take time more or less than 15 minutes depending upon the size of the external disk and the processing time of your PC/Laptop.

Once the disk is formatted using the exFAT file system the below messages will be shown.


Your external disk/Pen Drive can be used to transfer bigger files (any size smaller than the space of the disk) in any Operating System.

If you are using Linux(Ubuntu), some problems might occur to support the exFAT format. Please click here to know additional steps to use an external disk in Linux(Ubuntu).

image source: Own PC

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