Tuesday, June 18, 2019

WhatsApp Warning! Do Not Share Pictures with Wrong Recipient

Nowadays sharing picture through WhatsApp is the easiest. You click it, you WhatsApp it. In a second your selfie can reach your friends and family. But sometimes it left you with the awkward moment when you mistakenly send your photos to the wrong person. If it is a normal photo, then we do not bother much. But when it comes to ‘too personal’ photos or not to be shared with ‘everyone’ the situation worsens. How many times it did happen to you? For me, it is quite common.

Photo for illustration

Though WhatsApp is nicely dealing with it by ‘Delete For Everyone’ option. Just after the picture (or message for that matter) being sent if you realize the mistake you can delete that.

But we all agree, ‘Prevention is better than cure. What if we get a prevention or assurance notification before sending any picture to the correct person, it will be easier for us to ‘cross-check’ the recipient.

It is in the news that, WhatsApp will ensure the pictures are getting sent to the correct recipient by adding the contact name below the image caption. In its Beta update, Facebook-owned Company WhatsApp will add a feature that will show the recipient’s name and the small picture on the top left corner of the picture while being sent. This will allow users to double-check the correct contact(s) they are sharing the picture with.

This option will surely reduce the chances of sending photos to the wrong number and enhance the overall photo sharing experience of the WhatsApp users.

It is reported that Beta users are using Beta Version:2.19.173 or later to test this feature. Once the feature is stable, the same will be rolled out in PlayStore soon for end users.

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