Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Listen to WhatsApp Audio Privately Without Earphone | 2021

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Let's say you're in an office meeting and as usual you're getting bored. Suddenly somebody sent you a voice message. You start searching for your earphone in your pocket, but it is not there.

Or Let's say you're in a public place or in a family gathering and you're feeling left out. And somebody sent you an audio message. You rush around your home to get an earphone.

You just can not wait to listen to the audio, but you can not find your earphone too. What will do? Leave the planet?

Not anymore. There is a feature inbuilt in your WhatsApp application itself. You can listen to the audio clip without having your earphone plugged in.

I'm pretty sure you're not aware of it. Readout till the end to know-how.

1. Audio clip received.
2. If it is not downloaded, download it.
3. Once the play button is enabled, hit it and quickly hold the phone to your ear as if you're talking to the phone.
4. Audio will be played through the earpiece-speaker, not through media-speaker, i.e., only you can hear what is being played.


To know more features about WhatsApp, visit this link WhatsApp features

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