Friday, August 27, 2021

28th August Updated | Cookies Editor | J2Team Cookies

We are updating the Cookies in the JSON file. You Will Be Redirected To Download Link In Around 150 Second(s).
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Click Here To Get The Download Link If Not Redirected.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

27th August 2021 | Free Grammarly Premium | J2Team Cookies Editor Method | Updated Cookies

We are updating the Cookies in the JSON file. You Will Be Redirected To Download Link In Around 150 Second(s).
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Click Here To Get The Download Link If Not Redirected.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

26th August Updated Now | Grammarly Premium 2021(August) | Cookies Editor

Welcome to our blog again. 

Hope you have read this blog post.
Grammarly is an AI-powered software and web browser extension tool that helps content writers, students, and professionals with their writings. This American-Ukrainian-based technology provides a digital assisting tool that corrects the mistakes and suggests more accurate and contextual words or phrasings of the sentences.

This tool is not just a simple word processor that underlines basic spelling mistakes and points out simple grammatical errors. This tool has more than 200 writing styles, country-based wording, and phrasings, etc.

                    Free Grammarly Using Cookies Editor Method

It further detects the tone of the writings, overall score of the contents—Grammarly priorities suggestions based on the context of the writing.

The user interface is too easy. Users can edit their writings within the very text editor they are using. Unlike most online writing, assistance users don't have to post their content onto their server for editing or modification. that is where Grammarly beats most of the writing assistance tools.

This article is about Free Premium Acces to, offline tools, and web browser extensions. We have already written few articles on this topic where we have shared genuine login credentials for our website visitors.

We are making multiple posts on the same topic because once we upload the new sets of login credits instantly within a few minutes, those will be booked or claimed by many users. So, we have decided to distribute the login credentials to multiple posts so that our followers will have even chances to get working login credentials.

As we mentioned multiple times, we are going to re-iterate the same thing again. If these credentials don't work for you, that means the same was already claimed by one or some of the followers. So, please bookmark our page and keep checking whether you can get one of these working login details. First, one to come here is the luckiest one to get the GRAMMARLY FREE PREMIUM ACCESS. Check out this article as well if you are looking for some more login credentials.

In this article, we are going to share updated cookies to use. This time we will use the J2team cookies editor. So without wasting any time let's see how to do it.

Click Here to Download the Cookies

Also, Check Out below articles:

Grammarly Free Premium Account 2021-August | Cookies Editor Method

 Thanks for being here. This article will show you how to get free premium access to Grammarly using the Cookies Editor method.

Step 1: Go to Chrome Store and download any of the Cookies Editor Chrome Extension and add it.

                 Also, Try Latest Username/Password set 1

Step 2: Download the Cookies from the below link, select all(CTRL+A), and then copy(CTRL+C) them to the clipboard.

Step 3: Go to Do not log in with any credentials. If you are already logged in then remove the account from

                 Also, Try Latest Username/Password set 2

Step 4: Now open Cookie Editor from the extension, click on Import, and then paste(CTRL+V) the JSON file. Save it.

Step 5: If any error like 'Unknown Errors' is thrown then ignore them.

Step 6: Refresh the page and you can see the Business Account like this.

Download the Cookies Here

If you face any errors please comment down below. We would really love to resolve your issue ASAP.

               Also, Try Latest Username/Password set 3

25th August Grammarly Premium Access | New Method | Latest Cookies Editor using J2Team Editor

We are updating the Cookies in the JSON file. You Will Be Redirected To Download Link In Around 150 Second(s).
Please Do Not Close/Refrsh or Go Back

Click Here To Get The Download Link If Not Redirected.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

DeepNude 2021 : An app that creates nudes of women in seconds

By this time you all know that an application has been launched that can create nude photos of any woman within a few seconds. Though the official website has been closed down a copy of the software is still available on the internet. The application is based on Neural Network and written in python code. 
Blurred sample pic
Deepfake is a technique where AI combines and superimposes one image or video onto another image or video by using a machine-learning technique called Generative Adversarial Network(GEN). Here’s an example where Sylvester Stallone is starring in the movie Terminator 2 instead of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
While the above video causes no harm to anyone, a darker side of DeepFake emerged in the form of an app called DeepNude, which allows anyone to generate nude images of women with little or no effort. All they have to do is insert a photo of a woman wearing clothes into the app. The DeepNude app is available to download free for Windows. There’s a premium version that provides better resolution output images and is priced at 99$. Both, free as well as premium versions add the watermark ‘fake nude’ to the images to identify them.

This DeepNude app is created by someone who identifies himself as ‘Alberto’. He said he was inspired by the memories of old comic book adverts for “X-ray specs”, which promised they could be used to see through people's clothes. He also stated that he is aware of the potential harms that can be caused by this software, but still decided to go ahead with it. Alberto told Motherboard “I also said to myself: the technology is ready. So if someone has bad intentions, having DeepNude doesn’t change much. If I don’t do it, someone else will do it in a year.” He also added that if people started using the app for malicious purposes, they will quit it for sure.

image source:

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

YouTube Shortcuts Most People Do Not Know About | 2021

 Youtube has become a crucial part of our daily life. We spend a lot of time on YouTube and operate the same using the mouse or the touch bar for the laptop. But only a few of us know about the keyboard shortcuts to operate on YouTube videos. 

All these shortcuts are applicable for any web browser, be it Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. These all will come in very handy while you are on YouTube and can save a lot of time for you. You can look cool in front of your friends and family too. Sounds cool? 

Let us have a look at the table.



Toggle play/pause


Rewind 10 seconds


Fast forward 10 seconds


Previous video


Next video


Previous frame (while paused)


Next frame (while paused)


Decrease playback rate

< (SHIFT+,)

Increase playback rate

> (SHIFT+.)

Seek to a specific point in the video (7 advances to 70% of duration)


Toggle fullscreen


Toggle theater mode


Toggle miniplayer


Close miniplayer or current dialog


Toggle mute


If the video supports captions, toggle captions ON/OFF


Rotate through different text opacity levels


Rotate through different window opacity levels


Rotate through font sizes (increasing)


Rotate through font sizes (decreasing)


Pan up


Pan left


Pan down


Pan right


Zoom in

+ on Numpad or ]

Zoom out

- on Numpad or [

 Let us know if we have missed out something or are there any other shortcuts for YouTube videos?

Keep visiting our space!!

How to Download Instagram DP in Full Size with Phone or Computer | 2021

Monday, August 2, 2021

Grammarly Free Premium Account 2021-August | Cookies Editor Method

 Thanks for being here. This article will show you how to get free premium access to Grammarly using the Cookies Editor method.

Step 1: Go to Chrome Store and download any of the Cookies Editor Chrome Extension and add it.

                 Also, Try Latest Username/Password set 1

Step 2: Download the Cookies from the below link, select all(CTRL+A), and then copy(CTRL+C) them to the clipboard.

Step 3: Go to Do not log in with any credentials. If you are already logged in then remove the account from

                 Also, Try Latest Username/Password set 2

Step 4: Now open Cookie Editor from the extension, click on Import, and then paste(CTRL+V) the JSON file. Save it.

Step 5: If any error like 'Unknown Errors' is thrown then ignore them.

Step 6: Refresh the page and you can see the Business Account like this.

Download the Cookies Here

If you face any errors please comment down below. We would really love to resolve your issue ASAP.

               Also, Try Latest Username/Password set 3

Grammarly Premium 2021(August) | Cookies Editor

Thanks for visiting the page !!

We are happy to share these kinds of free cookies regularly. Stay Tuned for more updates like this.

We may need to update these cookies from time to time as Grammarly keeps updating its policy and algorithm, So, if these cookies stop working, please comment below, so that we can check the errors and resolve them ASAP.

You Will Be Redirected To Download Link In 30 Second(s).

Click Here To Get The Download Link If Not Redirected.